#REIDREADS posts are dedicated to books I’ve read via Kindle, physical copy or my personal favorite (because you can speed up the reading), Audible, in a no bullshit-cut-to-the-point (biased) review at the end of every month.

“The best investment you can EVER make is in yourself.”

1. The Brain Warriors Way

– Daniel G. Amen M.D., Tana Amen BSN RN
[10 hrs and 54 mins]

After much selling of “The Brain Warrior’s Way” and how effective their methods are it finally get’s into the content and it’s nothing groundbreaking. There are better books written on this specific topic and a great recommendation that comes from this month is the following title.

Available in: Kindle $13.99 || Hardcover $13.03 || Paperback $12.23 || Audiobook Free with Audible
(clickable links to shop)

2. Mastery of Life

– Ralph Waldo Emerson
[4 hrs and 45 mins]

Another great read by an original self-development mentor, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Similar to another favorite of mine by the same author, Self-Resilence, this title reflects on the same mindset and values one must have in order to live your best life!

Available in: Audiobook Free with Audible
(clickable links to shop)


3. Buddha’s Brain

– Rick Hanson PH.D.
[6 hrs and 58 mins]

Less about meditation, less about scientific studies and more about how the brain functions in certain meditative/mindful states. However, I believe if you want a book regarding Buddha’s principles specifically and more of a mentor approach would have to be the title: Why Buddhism Is True.

Available in: Kindle Free || Paperback $10.30 || Audiobook Free with Audible
(clickable links to shop)

4. The Nature of Investing

– Katherine Collins
[4 hrs and 44 mins]

In a different context, similar to how “The Buddha’s Brain” is to what meditation is to what The Nature of Investing is to Investing. This title goes in-depth of how humans across the centuries have invested in things of all shapes and sizes and why we do it. Sometimes, there are no “logical” reasons at all, it’s just culture or fads.

Available in: Kindle $11.99 || Hardcover $21.33 || Audiobook Free with Audible
(clickable links to shop)

5. Rethinking Positive Thinking

–  Gabriele Oettingen
[5 hrs and 34 mins]

Mixed feelings about this. Hard Pass on this book.

Available in: Kindle $14.99 || Hardcover $30.45 || Paperback $10.99 || Audiobook Free with Audible
(clickable links to shop)

6. Revolution

– Russell Brand
[9 hrs and 44 mins]

The best book I’ve read this month and a must read for any open-minded individual. Although Russell does seem to cross the lines in regards to some sensitive topics; it has garnered my respect for him knowing his mindset and how we can all do minor changes in daily life and thinking in order to create a better future for all humans. Some may get offended but I love his brutal honesty of humanities problems passed down through the generations and the ways in which we can do our part to help fix them.

Available in: Kindle $14.99 || Hardcover $18.56 || Paperback $8.54 || Audiobook Free with Audible
(clickable links to shop)

7. A Tribe of Mentors

– Timothy Ferriss

This took far too long for me to read than it should have. The main part of that reason is that as I read on, it became monotonous. The other part of taking so long is my desire to finish a book with the same answers kept surfacing. Great book overall though, invites you on perspectives of “successful” mentors and how they see and adapt to an ever-changing world.

Available in: Kindle $14.99 || Hardcover $17.33 || Paperback $14.53
(clickable links to shop)

For April, I read a total of seven books with 6 being on audible, 1 kindle (phone), and about thirty educational, “Open Minds” episodes on Gaia videos. -My favorite read this month had to be Revolution.

“Knowledge is power but only wisdom is liberty.” 

Will Durant

Disclaimer: Wanderlustyle included affiliate links in this post to support Reid’s book purchases. Everything is my honest opinion. Thank you and happy reading!

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