#REIDREADS posts are dedicated to books I’ve read via Kindle, physical copy or my personal favorite (because you can speed up the reading), Audible, in a no bullshit-cut-to-the-point (biased) review at the end of every month.
“The best investment you can EVER make is in yourself.”
1. Make Your Bed
– William H. McRaven
[1 hrs and 44 mins]

After a re-read through two times, the only thing that’s great is the quote the book is built around. To paraphrase: Make your bed every day because even if you have a less than stellar day, at least you will have a clean bed when you come home and can say at least you accomplished something for the day. In general, it’s a reiteration that your mind is your limit and through stories of the Navy SEALS, it doesn’t physically matter but your mental strength matters to strive on.
Available in: Kindle $11.99 || Hardcover $14.40 || Audiobook Free with Audible
(clickable links to shop)
2. Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body
– Daniel Goleman & Richard Davidson
[9 hrs and 8 mins]

Altered Traits walks the reader through different types of meditation and to be careful that it is now being sold as a product which is counter to what meditation truly is: a practice to better oneself. Both authors use science and practical explanations of the benefits of meditation that are both intriguing and in a sense tempting because you’ll want to stop reading and dive deeper into your meditative practice.
Available in: Kindle $13.99 || Hardcover $14.85 || Paperback $12.04 || Audiobook Free with Audible
(clickable links to shop)
3. Why Buddhism is True
– Robert Wright
[10 hrs and 29 mins]

Starts off strong with grounded science and with the incorporation of meditation, it’s no wonder why this book should be added to any person in search of so-called “enlightenment.” Through personal stories and examples of other well-known yogis and meditators, Why Buddhism Is True is less of a convincement that this “religion,” more like a way of life, is of benefit for any and all persons. The author himself states that the reason was to answer the question of why meditation is helpful in everyday life and to give a sound answer with the hopes of convincing the reader “Hey, maybe I should practice some form of mindfulness”. The before mention titled, ALTERED TRAITS, is a better book if meditation is of interest.
Available in: Kindle $13.99 || Hardcover $16.97 || Paperback $13.55 || Audiobook Free with Audible
(clickable links to shop)
4. Think and Grow Rich
– Napoleon Hill
[9 hrs and 35 mins]

The original book that has helped breed an entire genre of self-development. This was one of the first physical books I’ve read on this perilous, yet rewarding, journey of entrepreneurship and self-development. Re-reading it time to time is always a CPR to the brainwaves whenever small doubts loom of whether or not you are on the “right” track. In short: You are the creator of your own destiny and it all starts in the mind. Napolean Hill walks you through the mentality of millionaires and his personal process of how he attracted what he wanted in life. Phenomenal then as it is now.
Available in: Kindle $0.49 || Paperback $7.99 || Audiobook Free with Audible
(clickable links to shop)
5. Mind Hacking
– Sir John Hargrave
[12 hrs and 53 mins]

Fantastic read! The author was very passionate throughout the narration. Sir John Hargrave kept me engaged through his guided meditations which focused on specific areas like integrity, self-control, body relaxation and much more (great little songs at the end) over the course of 21 days. Essentially, it was primarily mindfulness with stories with examples of lack of or credit to a certain virtue. Recommended.
Available in: Kindle $11.99 || Hardcover $26.92 || Paperback $14.40 || Audiobook Free with Audible
(clickable links to shop)
6. High Performance Habits
– Brendon Burchard
[10 hrs and 35 mins]

I feel Brendon Burchard books are all the same. Story-lesson-action steps. Great for those that love to be told what to do. That being said, I couldn’t wait to finish this audiobook. I have a tendency of skipping reviews, and I should have known that this was no different than his other books like The Charge which I believe is a superior book.
Available in: Kindle $9.00 || Hardcover $18.35 || Audiobook Free with Audible
(clickable links to shop)
For March 2018, I was able to complete 6 books with half of those being extremely delightful: Why Buddhism Is True, Mind Hacking, and of course the most OG book of them all, Think & Grow Rich, which should be read by every aspiring individual (which should be everyone). This past month was a bit slower than usual with the center focus of all having to do with controlling your mind, which is beyond just a simple “think positive” or mindset change; more surrounding the idea of meditation and visualization will attract accomplishing your goals.
“Knowledge is power but only wisdom is liberty.”
– Will Durant
Disclaimer: Wanderlustyle included affiliate links in this post to support Reid’s book purchases. Everything is my honest opinion. Thank you and happy reading!
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